Not sure what upstyling is? Let me show you.

Coco Chanel once said that “Fashion fades, only style remains the same.”

We all have beautiful pieces in our wardrobe that don’t date because they are classic and beautiful. A  Cue dress bought with your entire wage in 2006, a Cooper Street dress that always draws complements when you wear it and a soft pair of high heeled boots that you can’t wait to bring out in winter.

Old faithfuls, we all have them, all love them, all over use them, but how do we revive them?


With accessories.


Fashion is generally a perception of what is ‘on trend’ which means, you can take a fraction of what is current and mix it with something a bit more vintage.


Have an old patterned dress and not sure how to wear it anymore?Floral maxi dress with assorted jewellery

How about adding a kick ass pair of earrings?

Long necklace.

Oversize ring.

A team of bracelets.

Super chunky statement necklace?

Your options are unlimited.



Jewellery is to your wardrobe what renovation is to houses (and you don’t have to tear anything down). It makes your outfit new, fresh and can transform it completely.


Here are a few basic rules.

  1. Working together: Choose a piece of jewellery that works with your outfit. Make sure the jewellery and the clothes aren’t competing with each other. A vibrant dress with a bold pattern might be too much with a super dangling pair of earrings but the same earrings could be sensational with a classic top. Jewellery and clothes need to bring out the best in each other, not overshadow.
  1. Calculate: There are times when piling on the jewellery looks amazing. Think of Madonna in the Lucky Star film clip. However, this was a calculated move where she (or a designer) chose each piece individually for how it would look with each other and the outfit. Think about each piece of jewellery and how it impacts on the overall look. Don’t just pile it on.
  1. No first aid; Jewellery can bring something special to your favourite piece transforming it completely. However, it isn’t a seamstress and can’t fix anything. If an outfit is faded, torn, stained or simply out of date, kiss it goodbye and throw it away.
  1. Put the credit card away: Your jewellery pieces don’t have to cost you a pretty penny. Shop smart, see when things are on sale at Empayah and stock up. Look for pieces that are not only ‘on trend’ but that make you feel good. Bring your fashions forward without having to spending up a storm.
  1. Organise: Keep your jewellery tidy so you can see the possibilities when bringing something out from the back of the cupboard. A tangled pile won’t be any help if you just found a classic tailored jumpsuit but have to leave in five minutes (not to mention the fact that it will shorten the life of your jewellery).



Still not sure? Try this example; a navy suit or long navy dress.

Team with pearls for a classic look…. OR Team with a neon statement necklace for a cocktail event

Classi gold and pearlsAdd a pop of colour to brighten up anBEST Make it Bohemian

Team with rhinestones for an evening event….. OR Team with a bohemian beaded style for every day.


Finally remember that everything old is new again. It’s easy to reinvent with fashion jewellery so start going through your cupboard. Treasure awaits.


The options are endless. Keep enjoying your wardrobe by using your jewellery.

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